From 2nd July 2018, the child care benefit and child care rebate will be replaced by a single child care subsidy. The child care subsidy will be means tested based on the combined family income, the fortnightly activity of families - such as work, study or volunteering - and the type of service your child attends.
If you are currently receiving Child Care Benefit and/or Child Care Rebate, you will most likely be eligible to receive the new Child Care Subsidy. However, it's not an automatic process, and there are a few things you need to do now, to transition to the new subsidy
What you must do to access the subsidy
You will need to complete a Child Care Subsidy with Centre link by following the below steps.
- Register for a myGov account at
- Check your Centre Link information.
- Once you receive a notification, follow the instructions as soon as possible by logging onto your myGov account and providing Centrelink with the following information: your estimated combined family income, your activity details (using the parent with the lowest activity level), and confirmation of your child's enrolment.
Once this process has been completed and you have been assessed as eligible for the new Child Care Subsidy, the subsidy will be paid directly to your child care service and you will receive it as reduced fees.
If you can't complete these steps online, you can provide this information to Centrelink verbally.
There is also an Express Plus Centrelink mobile App available to download on Apple and Android devices so that you can easily access your myGov account.
For questions and support contact Centrelink on 136150 or talk to L'Atelier for Children's centre Director, Denise Thorogood on 92455243.